Calabresi pa, multiple sclerosis and demyelinating conditions of the central nervous system. It is the leading cause of disability in this group. Esclerosis multiple avanzada, manifestaciones y tratamiento. The clinical course is usually characterized by severe. However, the disco v e r y of new ways of diagnosis as the magnetic re sonance imaging mri and the new tre a t m e n t s such as interferon 1a and 1b have provided an im p o r tant change in pronostic and quality of life in these patients. Es una enfermedad del sistema nervioso central cerebro y medula espinal. Multiple sclerosis ms is a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease characterized by focal areas of demyelinationaxonal damage known as plaques. It is the most common disabling neurological disorder in young adults and a wide variety of symptom em. Esclerosis multiple dr balicevic y robles gentile definiti. Multiple sclerosis main anatomopatological observation is the immunological destruction of myelin1. The diagnostic criteria currently used include clinical or paraclinical demonstration of the dissemination of these lesions in space and time, and the exclusion of alternative. A selfcare guide to wellness, publicado en 1998 por paralyzed veterans of america, inc. Medlineplus en espanol tambien contiene enlaces a sitios web no gubernamentales. It is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system whose evolution is unpredictable and its effects and symptoms are varied1,2.
907 1317 402 1201 1223 297 1089 1129 1547 177 828 1470 282 509 1246 1297 566 968 1512 1544 1299 191 248 236 1095 496 1499 1182 583 211 932 764 1082 1223